Monday 4 March 2013

Where is water found?

To check the children's prior knowledge the children told me where they knew water was found and I drew it on a poster. Then we used the book Water by Frank Asch to add information to the poster.

While we gathered information the children came up with questions to lead our inquiry:

  • Is snow and ice water?
  • What is dew?
  • Where does the water in our taps come from?
  • Do you need water to make paper?

During this process Alfie was chewing on his sleeve and when he leaned on our poster he made it wet . . . with saliva! An exciting discovery! Water can be found in our bodies! The children thought of two sources: tears and saliva. We'll investigate this further.

I shared with the children something I knew about water - the water we find in oceans is different than water we find everywhere else. The children taste tested fresh water and salt water.
Salt water
Fresh water
Experiment: Is ice water? Some thought yes and some thought no. We let an ice cube melt in a bowl and concluded ice is water and we talked about two forms of water: liquid and solid. The children discovered that their hands and mouth made the ice melt faster.


  1. I'm so proud to know my son is painting with bodily fluids, Tracey Emin eat your heart out.

  2. I had to look up who Tracey Emin is . . . ewwwww!
