Tuesday 19 March 2013

Water Model Presentation

The model of Vancouver's water system was finished today. The children added the final details; snow, reservoirs, rivers, the ocean, pipes and labels to explain what everything is.

The children are pleased with their work and I noted that the other children are going to be very curious about what it's all about and I wondered if they'd like to present the model. Everyone thought that was a great idea. Next came the decisions: who would speak in front of the others, what would each person say, and who was not comfortable speaking in front of others. Alfie and Johnathon chose to be on 'stage' for the presentation but not speak. Simone, Esme and Sofia chose to share in speaking about the model and Bela chose to be in the audience to field questions at the end of the presentation.

The children had to think about what they're responsibilities are when it comes to giving a presentation:

  • speak clearly and loud enough to be heard
  • give the other presenters their time to talk
  • make eye contact with the audience

The children in the audience have responsibilities too:

  • make eye contact with the presenters
  • listen and don't talk
  • wait until the end to ask questions
  • clap at the end to show your appreciation

The children did a wonderful job!


  1. Wendy,
    I am sure I would be much more confident in my job and in giving presentations as an adult if I had had such amazing presentation coaching at age 4 as these children have had! You are doing them a wonderful, lifelong service.

  2. Yes I agree, certainly not a skill I would think to teach them at home.I must admit that I find the psychology of wanting to be on stage but not speak fascinating, is that 'groupie' or Bass Player behaviour?
