Tuesday 26 March 2013

First Nation Connection

"I like crossing water!"
We continued our Musqueam Creek exploration by crossing 41st Avenue 
to where the creek comes out and followed along.

"Push me please!"
"How did all these trees get knocked down?"

The first thing we came upon was a swing tied to a tall branch in a tree, of course everyone wanted a turn! When we finally reached the creek the first thing everyone noticed was the many fallen trees and the damaged dock. Esme was very concerned with the idea of storms strong enough to knock these massive trees down and was relieved to hear there were no storms in the forecast today.

"Oh oh water went in my boot!"

"Where does the water go?"

We followed the creek until we could go no further and stopped to watch it go under the road and continue on to the Fraser River.

We noticed a sign that labelled the area as an ecological sensitive area. I explained that long ago salmon would travel from the ocean up Fraser River then up Musqueam Creek to spawn but had stopped and people were trying to help them come back. The children were very curious!

"Why did the salmon stop coming?"
"Why do we want the salmon to come back?"
"How many eggs do salmon lay?"
"Why do people want salmon?"

To the people in nearby Musqueam Village salmon are very important for food and lively hood. The children have decided that they'd like to see the Fraser River where salmon travel and people fish and they'd like to do a dance to represent animals that need water "With masks so we look real!"

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