Monday 25 March 2013

Musqueam Creek

An adventure in the forest brought the children to explore Musqueam Creek!

Bridges are not the only way we can cross water! 
We carefully balanced across, thankfully no one fell in!

As the children investigated many questions came up:
"Why is this water moving so fast while the last water we saw wasn't moving at all?" I asked
"Maybe it's down hill." thought Johnathan, but the ground was flat. 
"Maybe it's the wind." he guessed again, but there was no wind today. 
I told them that currents make the water move.
"What's a current?" they all wondered - something we'll explore further. 
In any case they enjoyed throwing sticks in the creek and watched the current carry them away. 

Where does the creek start and where does it end? Are there animals that live in the creek? They really wanted to keep walking and follow it but we ran out of time. Tomorrow we'll cross 41st Ave and continue following the creek and see what other questions come to mind. With the beautiful weather we will have a picnic on our trip tomorrow!

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