Tuesday 27 March 2012

Job: Science Researchers

Line of Inquiry: The jobs people do in our community helps support its development
Child's Question: What job does my parent do?

Last week on our walk to the bank two significant things happened: we saw a worm on the sidewalk and we smelled compost in the garden. The children reacted negatively to both things and questions came to mind: Why do we have worms? Who put compost on the garden and why? Who's job is it to do this?

Rocco's mom is a Science Researcher, the children will role play this job as we learn about the significance of worms and compost. What attributes do Science Researchers have? We will explore this further.

Today the children reflected on if they like worms or not and shared what they know about worms. Researchers ask questions and so the children asked questions about what they don't know about worms. Worms are living creatures and every living creature deserves to be treated with care and the children practiced handling the worms with care.
Treating a baby worm with care
The children practised being caring and curious researchers. Some of the children were eager to hold a worm and some took time before they felt comfortable holding a worm.
What we know about worms
Researchers form questions

Do you like worms?

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