Tuesday 13 March 2012

Job: doctors and surgeons

Child's Question: What kind of jobs do our parent's do?

Thank you to the parent's who had an opportunity to add your job to our chart!

Today we looked at Byron's parents jobs; a surgeon and medical sales. The children shared stories of doctor visits and people they knew who had operations. Doctors and surgeons are knowledgeable about people's bodies. To help us be more knowledgeable we used an organ apron to find out where our organs are and what they do.

A skeletal puzzle helped us learn about the bones in our bodies.

Then the children put on their doctors uniforms and transformed the drama room into a doctors office. We had four sick babies and the doctors examined them, listened to their hearts, disinfected and bandaged sores, and took temperatures. Julia's comment "We are mommies and daddies and doctors!" shows she understands that parents can have more than one job! The doctors soon used up all their bandages and the medical supply sales woman came and sold them more! The children continued this game throughout the day and invited the other children to be doctors too.


  1. I love the way the children invited others to play Wendy. This suggests to me that the children feel a sense of connection and mastery within the play but not power over the play and one another. These are the kinds of experiences we hope to create for children but we can never plan for the outcome specifically can we? This is real community being built.

  2. Wow! this is so cool! I agree with Kate. Wendy, the kids are learning while playing! Again, great job in helping our kids grow and learn like that! (We see the results at home...believe me!) Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

    The Chins.

  3. Thanks for the feedback! I feel blessed at being able to spend the day with all your amazing children and hope that my time with them enriches their growth and development.
