Monday 19 March 2012

Connecting jobs in the community

Line of Inquiry: The jobs people do in our community supports its development

Today the children worked on creating a web that connects the jobs of their parents (and other jobs) and how they help develop the community. We started with an imaginary new friend who's moved into our community; what does he need? "A house!" the children exclaimed. We discussed how construction workers (like Victoria's dad) are needed if the house is to be new and how a real estate agent (like Hoa Hoa's dad) can help our friend buy land to build on. After the house is built our new friend might need the help of an interior decorator (like Kai's mom) to help make his home beautiful.
We decided that this person has a daughter, what does she need in the community to help her learn and grow? "A school!" said the children. Teachers do a very important job, what would happen to our community if there were no teachers? Chloe said children wouldn't be able to learn to write and we couldn't write anything! As I was adding their idea to the web someone started a lively conversation about having bought Skittles on the weekend. What if the little girl on our web wants Skittles too? What do we need in our community? "A store!" And so another important element was added to our web.

Tomorrow we are going to visit Vancity Bank on Dunbar. How does the bank fit on our web? How does the bank help our community? The children know that the bank keeps money safe and will give you your money if you need it buy that was all they knew. So at tomorrow's interview we will ask "How does the bank help the community?" Does the bank help schools, people, stores and other people in our community?

Parents - The children are very excited at the opportunity to interview the lady at the bank and they are learning how to create questions that help them get the information they desire. It would be wonderful if any of you would like to come and talk to the group about the jobs you do and allow the children another opportunity to practice developing questions and interview skills!!

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