Monday 12 March 2012

What job does my parent do?

Teacher Question: What are some jobs done in the community?

The children show an understanding that there are jobs done at the daycare and at home that are important.

"Mommy's job is to wash dishes"(Chloe)
"My daddy's job is to make coffee" (Byron)
"My mommy washes dishes too." (YuHa)

When I asked "When your mom or dad goes to work what kind of job do they do?" No one had any ideas to offer! We started a chart that needs your help to complete. When you pick up or drop off your child please tell us what kind of job you do!

We spent some time playing with the blocks and people and created a community. As the children played I listened and observed for understanding of jobs in the community. After some time I saw farmers taking care of cattle and horses, roads being built, schools opening and closing at the end of the day. Actually, I saw businesses opening and closing a lot! 

"My school is opening" (Hao Hao)
"This is a dancing school"(Chloe)
"We need cars and stop signs"(Byron)
"This girls job is to go to school, we need a teacher." (Natalya)

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