Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Job: Science Researchers

Line of Inquiry: The jobs people do in our community helps support its development
Child's Question: What job does my parent do?

Last week on our walk to the bank two significant things happened: we saw a worm on the sidewalk and we smelled compost in the garden. The children reacted negatively to both things and questions came to mind: Why do we have worms? Who put compost on the garden and why? Who's job is it to do this?

Rocco's mom is a Science Researcher, the children will role play this job as we learn about the significance of worms and compost. What attributes do Science Researchers have? We will explore this further.

Today the children reflected on if they like worms or not and shared what they know about worms. Researchers ask questions and so the children asked questions about what they don't know about worms. Worms are living creatures and every living creature deserves to be treated with care and the children practiced handling the worms with care.
Treating a baby worm with care
The children practised being caring and curious researchers. Some of the children were eager to hold a worm and some took time before they felt comfortable holding a worm.
What we know about worms
Researchers form questions

Do you like worms?

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

A trip to the bank

Community Connections: a trip to the bank

It was a long walk but we made it to Vancity on Dunbar Street! We were greeted by Maryvonne, the bank manager and introduced to Breanne, a bank teller, who gave us a tour!

Meeting Breanne
We were all impressed by the tour and got to see many things. Breanne opened the safe where all the money is kept and showed us rows and rows of coins. Neil had a customer that wanted to withdraw $200 and he showed us the machine where the money comes out. Most of the children recognised the ATM machine, but it was so interesting to see what it looks like from behind!
Opening the safe

Neil shows us where the money comes out

Behind the ATM machine

Everyone got to push a button!
The children met the different people who work at the bank and learned that their job is to help people make big purchases, such as, buying a house, or a car, or replacing the roof.  I wanted to know what kind of attributes were important to work at the bank and Breanne told the children it's important to be a good listener so you can hear what the customers need, to be friendly and smile a lot, and to be patient because you have to help a lot of people! Simone said she would like to work at the bank when she grows up!

Lastly, the children all received special Vancity bags containing a juice box, raisins, a picture, a flashing light for bikes, a piggy bank and a brand new 2012 quarter! It was such a long walk we took the bus back. Thank you to Rocco's mom, Robin, for coming along and helping!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Connecting jobs in the community

Line of Inquiry: The jobs people do in our community supports its development

Today the children worked on creating a web that connects the jobs of their parents (and other jobs) and how they help develop the community. We started with an imaginary new friend who's moved into our community; what does he need? "A house!" the children exclaimed. We discussed how construction workers (like Victoria's dad) are needed if the house is to be new and how a real estate agent (like Hoa Hoa's dad) can help our friend buy land to build on. After the house is built our new friend might need the help of an interior decorator (like Kai's mom) to help make his home beautiful.
We decided that this person has a daughter, what does she need in the community to help her learn and grow? "A school!" said the children. Teachers do a very important job, what would happen to our community if there were no teachers? Chloe said children wouldn't be able to learn to write and we couldn't write anything! As I was adding their idea to the web someone started a lively conversation about having bought Skittles on the weekend. What if the little girl on our web wants Skittles too? What do we need in our community? "A store!" And so another important element was added to our web.

Tomorrow we are going to visit Vancity Bank on Dunbar. How does the bank fit on our web? How does the bank help our community? The children know that the bank keeps money safe and will give you your money if you need it buy that was all they knew. So at tomorrow's interview we will ask "How does the bank help the community?" Does the bank help schools, people, stores and other people in our community?

Parents - The children are very excited at the opportunity to interview the lady at the bank and they are learning how to create questions that help them get the information they desire. It would be wonderful if any of you would like to come and talk to the group about the jobs you do and allow the children another opportunity to practice developing questions and interview skills!!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Job: doctors and surgeons

Child's Question: What kind of jobs do our parent's do?

Thank you to the parent's who had an opportunity to add your job to our chart!

Today we looked at Byron's parents jobs; a surgeon and medical sales. The children shared stories of doctor visits and people they knew who had operations. Doctors and surgeons are knowledgeable about people's bodies. To help us be more knowledgeable we used an organ apron to find out where our organs are and what they do.

A skeletal puzzle helped us learn about the bones in our bodies.

Then the children put on their doctors uniforms and transformed the drama room into a doctors office. We had four sick babies and the doctors examined them, listened to their hearts, disinfected and bandaged sores, and took temperatures. Julia's comment "We are mommies and daddies and doctors!" shows she understands that parents can have more than one job! The doctors soon used up all their bandages and the medical supply sales woman came and sold them more! The children continued this game throughout the day and invited the other children to be doctors too.

Monday, 12 March 2012

What job does my parent do?

Teacher Question: What are some jobs done in the community?

The children show an understanding that there are jobs done at the daycare and at home that are important.

"Mommy's job is to wash dishes"(Chloe)
"My daddy's job is to make coffee" (Byron)
"My mommy washes dishes too." (YuHa)

When I asked "When your mom or dad goes to work what kind of job do they do?" No one had any ideas to offer! We started a chart that needs your help to complete. When you pick up or drop off your child please tell us what kind of job you do!

We spent some time playing with the blocks and people and created a community. As the children played I listened and observed for understanding of jobs in the community. After some time I saw farmers taking care of cattle and horses, roads being built, schools opening and closing at the end of the day. Actually, I saw businesses opening and closing a lot! 

"My school is opening" (Hao Hao)
"This is a dancing school"(Chloe)
"We need cars and stop signs"(Byron)
"This girls job is to go to school, we need a teacher." (Natalya)

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Job: the barber

Line of Inquiry: The jobs people do in our community support its development

There is a store in between Scotiabank and Bean Around The World on Dunbar street that is all closed up with paper taped on the windows. The children were intrigued - what type of store could have been here? We imagined we were going to open up a business that our community needs and came up with some possible ideas; a dress shop, a Christmas tree store, a shoe store and a toy store. Next week, we'll develop these ideas and explore how these stores would help in the development in our community and set up a store in the daycare for some drama play.

Near this closed shop is the Barber shop. Many of the children recalled going to the Barber shop to watch Simone's dad get a shave and a haircut. We watched the process of the customer getting a shave on a Youtube video. I recalled as a child watching my dad shave and pretending to shave along with him lathering my face with shaving cream. The children wanted to try too! So off we went to "the barber shop" (the bathroom) and everyone lathered up and used a popcycle "razor" to shave.

The children enjoyed the slippery texture of the shaving cream so we extended this idea by finger painting with shaving cream!
Lathering up!

It feels slippery!

Trying the coloured shaving cream

Our new friend Peter enjoys himself!

Monday, 5 March 2012

Exploring what a bank is for

Line of Inquiry: The jobs people do in our community support its development

While talking about businesses in our community the children became aware that they did not know what a bank was for. Today we played bank and the children set to work cleaning the drama room for which they were paid 5 Smarties. At the end of their "work day" they counted out 5 Smarties and then opened a Savings Account at the local Wind Bank. I am the bank teller and it is my job to keep their money safe and to be available for when they are ready to make a withdrawal. Many of the children said they were going to save their money to take home but in the end everyone decided to eat 1 Smartie right away.

Everyone working together.
The bank is open all day except for rest time and outside time, otherwise, the children can take their money whenever they want with the understanding that once their bank account is empty the bank will not give them more money "You have to go to work again" said Chloe.
Getting paid for our work.
As the day went on, the children were reminded that they had money in the bank. Some children kept their money in the bank, some withdrew one more Smartie, and Byron emptied his bank account after the first reminder. As some of the children's bank accounts emptied and others still had "money" to withdraw the children seemed to understand that the bank does not just keep giving money but that they had to deposit more in order for there to be money in their accounts.
Our savings accounts
I will contact a local bank and see if they will give us a tour!