Monday 10 March 2014

Community: Who Needs Garbage Collectors?

What places do garbage collectors collect garbage?
The children knew right away that people get their garbage collected at their homes and 
knew where the garbage cans had to go on garbage day and some even knew who's 
responsibility it was in their family.

Where else?
Through discussion the children brainstormed what other places need garbage collected.
The children wanted to know how often garbage collectors come and when they come to our school.
We studied the Collections Map and discovered that each area in Vancouver had it's own garbage day.
When do the garbage collectors come to our school? How can we find out?
Rylan thought maybe the police might know, Jayla thought maybe grownups in the school might know. During our brainstorming Rielle identified playgrounds as a place that needs garbage collected and everyone agreed they'd like to pick up garbage at our playground. After deciding what questions needed to be asked and who would ask them we headed over to the school's office.
 Jayla asked "What day do the garbage collectors come?"
Rielle asked "Can we pick up garbage at the playground?"
Rylan asked "Do you have garbage grabbers we can use?"
We learned that the garbage collectors come on Mondays and with some advanced notice we can borrow buckets and grabbers anytime we want!

With heaps of enthusiasm we headed to the playground to pick up garbage. Then to the dumpster to drop off the bag. Everyone wanted to peer inside and we noticed it was almost empty! Of course! Today is Monday and the garbage collectors must have come while we were in the forest this morning!

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