Tuesday 29 January 2013

How Can We Be Generous At Home and School?

The story Piggybook by Anthony Brown is a non-example of generosity, it's about how a family is not generous to the mom who has to do all the work. The Piggot boys didn't appreciate the work Mrs. Piggot did and didn't help.

At the beginning of of group time many of the children couldn't think of how they were helpful at home. Sofia, Esme and Alfie all thought of times they helped their moms cook something.
"I get my clothes ready for gymnastics." - Julia
"I don't really help at home but my mommy helps me. I don't know how I could be helpful but I can be helpful if my mommy asks me to do something I do it." - Simone

After reading Piggybook and watching a Youtube video of a 6 year old girl doing chores at home the children came up with ideas of jobs they can do all by themselves to help and care for their family . . .

"Clean the playroom" - Julia
"Clean the windows" - Simone, Sofia ad Esme
"Clean the furniture with a cloth" - Alfie

How can we show this generosity at school? The children referred to the Service Learning List and remembered all the ways they can be helpful at school.
Choosing a service learning job

Folding towels

Folding sheets
Cleaning chairs

Being generous brings us together

1 comment:

  1. No complaints about the current subject. Can you teach them to do tax returns?
