Monday 14 January 2013

How Can Be Generous?

 After reviewing ways we can be generous the two that made the biggest impression 
on the children was sharing our talents and recycling 
as a way to be generous to people in the future by taking care of our earth now. 

What are your talents?

Alfie thought his talent was making crowns but after getting started he realized that he's good at decorating crowns and not making them. Simone said her talent was making paper houses and she shared her talent with us by giving us detailed how-to instructions. Sofia wanted make a paper house so she followed Simone's instructions!
Thanks for sharing your talent!
Generosity Journals: the children recorded their acts of generosity

Simone recorded her act of generosity of sharing her talent. 
Sofia decided she would recycle her containers at lunch this week.
Alfie wanted to show generosity by sharing his sea weed at lunch today
Sharing sea weed at lunch
Simone asked me "What's your talent Wendy?" and I have to be honest I was stumped and it made me wonder if we take time to recognize what we're good at. I decided that one of my talents is making cookies and I will share this talent with the kids tomorrow at group time!


  1. I had no idea Simone could make paper houses - how great! Thank you for letting me know, Wendy. And I am sure your cookies are fabulous :)

    1. She's really into the journalling idea and wanted to keep working at filling in her book with generous acts. I convinced her to take her time and we would add to it every week. She said she can't wait until it's filled and she can take it home and show her Grandma

  2. I hope Alfie also ate some seaweed too, he's going off everything these days :)

    1. Not to worry there was seaweed left for Alfie.
      He also ate his whole cheese sandwich :o)
