Monday 9 January 2012

New Unit! Formative Week Making Butter

Where We Are In Place and Time

Central Idea: There are similarities and differences between the way people lived long ago and the way people live today

The children have begun thinking about what life was like in the "olden days" by sorting pictures of things from long ago and things from today. They've noticed how things have changed, such as the clothing children wear, what telephones looked like, and how we travel around. 

National Film Board of Canada has some wonderful stories of life in pioneer times. The children watched a story of James and all the foods he liked to eat. The children noticed that the mother used fire to cook and they seemed very interested in the pictures of how food was preserved  for the winter. 

One of the things James did was make butter  and the kids were keen to try. We watched how butter was made long ago with a churn compared to how it's made today with machines and they notices the difference in the amount of work it took. 

"We're going to do the work aren't we! We have to roll up our sleeves!" said Natalya. The children shook the jar with heavy cream for a long time as we discussed where the cream came from. After a lot of work the children were thrilled to see the butter coming from the jar. Everyone wanted to try some on bread, except for one person, which prompted us to graph the responses to the question "Do you like butter?

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