Tuesday 10 January 2012

Drying apples like long ago

  • Line of Inquiry: There are similarities and differences between past and present

In yesterdays inquiry I asked the children what they knew about "the olden days". Most weren't sure if they knew anything but Rocco offered "They had winter" We explored this idea further and created a seasons wheel and talked about what happens in each season. The wheel illustrated how the seasons repeat over and over again, as they have in the past and how they will continue on the future!

In our story Jamie helps his mother dry apple rings to be used later in the winter to make apple pies and we tried this to as a way to extend the children's interest in food preservation. The activity was rich in learning opportunities as they squealed with delight as seeds spilled from the apple slices and this prompted a math activity of counting apple seeds from each apple and predicting how many seeds are in the next apple! The children soon noticed that the apples were turning brown. I informed them that citric acid will prevent this and so we conducted an experiment in which we soaked one apple slice in lemon juice and one was left plain and the children observed what happened. The children are eager to eat their dried apples and an understanding in just how long "weeks and weeks" really is will be discovered!
Squeezing a lemon

Predicting and counting apple seeds

Dipping slices in lemon juice

Observing apple slices

Stringing apple slices to hang and dry

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