Tuesday 17 January 2012

Making food like they did long ago

Teacher Question: How have inventions changed our lives?

Anticipation built this past week as the children patiently waited for the apple slices to dry! Recalling the process helped the children remember the work involved and everyone was eager to try. Chloe had an opportunity to think about being open minded as she didn't want to try any. I think watching the positive responses from the others as they ate their dried apple slice helped her to re-think her decision and she tried one and liked it! Later, Adyson, Chloe, and Julia practised speaking in front of a group when they explained the process before offering everyone a try.

To conclude our study of how food was preserved for winter in the old days we made strawberry jam. We reviewed the seasons and the children knowledgable in that they knew strawberry's grew in the summer and that if we kept a strawberry for a long time it rots. How did I get strawberry's in the winter then? A video of a greenhouse helped illustrate how we can recreate growing conditions. Some of the children were sceptical and thought we could grow strawberry's in the winter. This will lend itself to growing experiments next week and an opportunity to be inquirers! The children rolled up their sleeves with an understanding that to make strawberry jam would require a lot of work! What they lacked this week tho was patience! The afternoon seemed so far off before they could taste the jam!

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