Tuesday 12 May 2015

Express Yourself: Drawing Flowers

The Summative Project for this unit has each child choosing a topic/idea that they are interested in and being guided by the teacher to reflect on what they know about it, how they feel and what they want to share and how they want to express it; a story, song, poem, a dance, movement, a play, a painting, drawing,or a sculpture. I want to give the children opportunity to practice this process during the inquiry weeks by choosing a topic/idea for them. 

There's not a day goes by during the spring and summer months that I don't watch children joyfully pick flowers and gather bouquets and carefully set them in a glass of water for display or make plan about who they will give them to.  I knew that selecting the topic of flowers would be meaningful to the children and they could connect to it. 

I introduced this idea with a song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUyxCP5Rvco  The writer of the song knows many names of flowers, insects and birds found in gardens and chose a song to express it. The children listened for the names and commented on the ones they recognized. They also reflected on how the emotions the song evoked in them and I helped them connect it to how they feel when they pick flowers. 

They're responses  . . . 
"It made me really happy" - Sofia
"Think about morning" - Elaine
"Made me think of night" - Billy
"Made me sad-happy, it was nice" - Bela
"Tired" - Ryleigh
"Think about animals" - Michael
"Night time" - Tyreese

Before expressing their delight in flowers the children took turns demonstrating 
how they draw flowers so we can learn from each other. 

Bela stated an idea "Boys don't like flowers." I checked with the group and some of the boys said they do like flowers. I added "I wonder if there are any girls that don't like flowers" This prompted a spontaneous survey and the children approached the other groups and asked each child if they like flowers or not. When it was Ryleigh's turn she said she doesn't like flowers. Bela was surprised "What! How can you nolike flowers?" 
Ryleigh responded "Well, some girls don't like flowers" 
I suspect from what I've observed that Ryleigh does like flowers but perhaps wanted to make a point to Bela! 

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