Monday 26 May 2014

Plants: Will It Sprout?

The children were eager to show me the pots that contained the seeds they planted with Debbie last week. We opened one of the paper towels and saw that the seeds had begun to sprout! Very exciting! 

They know that plants need water, sun and air to grow but what do seeds need to sprout? 
Water was the obvious answer as the sprouting beans in the paper towel was wet with water.

Conducting Experiments
"If we put a seed in a paper towel that's wet with water it will sprout 
but what if we put a seed in a paper towel that is wet with . . ."
Looking for liquids!

Jayla finished the sentence by suggesting oil and started the first experiment. 
The children came up with 6 ideas to conduct experiments: oil, oil and water, vinegar, milk, juice and crushed chips. 


Predictions were made and crushed chips and vinegar are the only ones that received a unanimous negative vote. Francine felt the only experiment that would work was oil and water because, she says, seeds need water to sprout and that's the only experiment that has water. We shall see!

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