Tuesday 20 May 2014

Plants: Child Led Inquiry and Question

Child Led Inquiry: Leaves We Eat and Leaves We Don't Eat Collection

Child's Question: Can we paint on leaves?

After several weeks of drying in the Leaf Press the leaves were ready to organize in a collection!  I wrote the titles on the papers: Leaves We Eat and Leaves We Don't Eat, Esme noticed the two titles were almost the same. Sophie looked for the word 'don't'. The children carefully placed the fragile leaves on the paper. "That means they break easily." offered Rielle.

Last week while examining leaves we eat Sophie made a statement that we used to formulate a question "Can you paint on leaves?" Most of the children thought you can't paint on leaves. 
Each of the children selected a paint colour to share with everyone and got to work! The results are beautiful! Once the leaves are dry they will be strung on a mobile and hung in the room for decoration.
Once finished I asked the same question "Can we paint on leaves?" and received a resounding YES!

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