Monday 7 April 2014

Community: Chores!

 Communities: People working and helping each other

In our family communities there are many jobs that need doing in everyone's home. Who's responsibility are these jobs? A Venn Diagram helped the children organize their thinking. They came up with ideas of jobs that get done and talked about who does them. We soon noticed that from their ideas there are no jobs only moms do, or only dads do, or only kids do and they concluded that "Everyone helps!" After some more discussion they agreed that when it comes to safety there are some jobs only moms and dads do and kids don't do, such as, tending fires, using chemicals and poisons, using sharp knives, and working with hot stoves and ovens. 

How Helpful Are You?
We used a graph to organize our information. The children listed the jobs they do at home then  they used stickers to indicate which of these jobs they do at home and we discovered that we have one helpful group of kids! I have to say how impressed I am with the children's emerging ability to read and use graphs, it's apparent they've had lots of experience. Most of the children could read their name, follow the column to get to the row we were working on and place their sticker without any help from me!

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