Tuesday 21 January 2014

Place and Time: Transportation

Early Canada
Early Canada was covered in wilderness and when people wanted to travel from east to west a railroad had to be built. On Monday the children heard a story telling of how hundreds of men travelled by boat from China for the dangerous work of building the railroads. Afterwards, they played with the train tracks pretending to build the railroad across Canada.
Learning in our wagons
It's hard for any of us to imagine a time before cars and getting around by horse drawn carriages and wagons. We researched this through video and the children noticed similarities and differences between horse drawn wagons and cars.

They applied what they learned by building a wagon complete with spoked wagon wheels. They will present the wagon to the other children and invite them to use it in their imaginative play.

Cars stop and go by brakes and gas pedal but how does a 
horse stop and go?  We imagined hanging tightly to the reigns and calling out "Giddy-up!" and "Whoa!" We played a song game in which the children took turns pretending to be the horse (Old Joe) and the rider.

Trot Old Joe, trot Old Joe.
You ride better than any horse I know.
Trot Old Joe, trot Old Joe.
You're the best ride in the country-o!
Whoa Joe!

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