Tuesday 31 March 2015

Water Wonders: Salmons Need Streams

The children have been very curious about the salmon in Musqueam Creek which has led us to learn more about the salmon's amazing journey. Today we researched spawning salmon and then the children represented what they learned in art.

I observed the children thoughtfully placing the eggs in protected spaces amongst the rocks at the bottoms of their streams. Bela recognized that some of the eggs would be eaten by animals. Some of the children thought whales and sharks would eat the eggs which led to two questions:
What animals live in streams?
What animals eat salmon eggs?

As Ryleigh was glueing a salmon to her picture she asked "What about the fry?" She had remembered that fry was the name of a stage in the salmon's life cycle. The children would like to learn more about the salmon life cycle and the names of the other stages.
We will research these questions next week. 
We'll also investigate what we can do to protect the salmon's habitat. 

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