Tuesday 3 February 2015

Generous: Quilt Maker's Gift

The Quilt Maker's Gift is a story of a quilt maker who makes quilts but only gives them to the poor and homeless and a greedy king who despite a castle full of gifts is still unhappy. He is sure that a quilt is the thing that will make him happy but the quilt maker refuses unless he gives all his treasures away. Reluctantly the king gives away his treasures and in the process finds happiness in his act of generosity.

I asked the children why they thought the king would feel happy giving away his treasures and they weren't sure. Bela thought about it and said "Sometimes I don't want to do something but then I'm happy about it." We wondered if the king felt the same as Bela.
Printing a sign

The children updated Michael and Bela about our plan to collect food for the food bank. I set up a town that included a Food Bank and Grocery Store and houses. Some houses had people who had money to buy food and some had people who didn't have enough money for food. The children dramatized how people buy food from the grocery store using money and how some people who want to help the community give food to the Food Bank so people who need help can get food for free.

As they played the Food Bank soon ran out of food - perfect segue to talking about the importance of continually supporting the Food Bank in their efforts to help people in need!
"Here's the food bank"

"I have money for food"

"Thank you for the food"

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