Monday 12 January 2015

Generous: To Share Or Not To Share

Using the props I retold the story The Big Block of Chocolate. The empty chocolate bar wrapper prompted the children to tell Sophia and Tyreese about the decision they made to share the chocolate bar with the group and not all the daycare children. Sophia noted "We (she and Tyreese) didn't get any chocolate, what are we going to do about that?" I promised to share an idea after we did some thinking work.

Everyone could recall a time either they didn't want to share something or someone didn't want to share with them. Why does this happen? What could a person be thinking when they don't want to share? I drew the characters from the story one by one providing the children the opportunity to recall the sequence of events and above the characters picture I drew a thought bubble. I asked the children to suppose what each of the characters might be thinking when they decided not to share the chocolate but hide it somewhere so they can eat it all themselves later in secret. The ant decided to share the chocolate - what motivated him to do this? What was he thinking? The photo shows the children's ideas.
I hadn't brought any food to share so that we might experience what it's like to share with all the children in the school but suggested that the children might like to choose something from their lunch kits that we could use to make a sharing plate. Everyone agreed with enthusiasm and straight away went to retrieve some food. The children were very excited and after group time went to the other children to announce what they were doing.

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