Tuesday 16 September 2014

Friendship: Little Red Hen

Throughout the day the teachers are helping the children recognize their acts of friendship. 
Children helping each other is one we often see.
human graph
I posed a question to the children and we made a human graph to organize their responses.
"Should friends help each other?"
It was unanimous - all agreed friends should help each other
Everyone helping Little Brown Owl
Finding the text "Not I"

But what happens when friends don't help each other? On Monday the children heard the story of the Little Red Hen and had mixed feelings about whether the Little Red Hen should have shared the bread. They re-enacted the story, changing some of the details. Everyone chose an animal to be in the story and when they were asked if they wanted to help the Little Brown Owl everyone said no until William replied yes. As the story progressed the children decided that their character would help when asked and in the end everyone helped Brown Owl grow, pick and roast sunflower seeds and everyone ate them together!

On Tuesday everyone shared the work of baking bread. They mixed, kneaded, and shaped their own little loaf of bread.

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