Tuesday 4 February 2014

Place and Time: What Do You Do For Fun?

Comparing similarities and differences between what children 
did for fun long ago and what they do now. 

What do you do for fun?

Sophie - play with the marble tower and pretend princess
Esme - play with my stuffy and blanket and pretend family
Rylan - use my blankets to hide under, build forts and just play around
Tyreese - play with diggers and lego and dinosaurs
Rielle - build forts and shine my start light on the ceiling
Oliver - play cars and trucks and pretend to call people on the telephone

Now, thinking of the olden days, what do you think your moms and dads did for fun when they were little kids? After a few giggles at the idea of their parents being small the children thought . . . 
Esme - I have no idea!
Rielle - they probably just spilled water on the ground
Rylan - or on people's heads
Tyreese - when my mom was little she was a boy and she played digger
Oliver - my dad probably watched movies
Sophie - my mom played princess but she was so small she couldn't reach the counter

We realized we need to do some research!! Parents please reply in this blog or by email and tell us what you did for fun when you were young. We'll share your stories next week

The children made a toy that's been around for a long time: Toss and Catch
A button attached to a cup by a string provided the challenge to try to swing the button and catch it in the cup. Parents, maybe you had a similar toy when you were young, you know, in the olden days!


  1. That's what I did...spilt water on the floor and on people's heads!!!
    I played forts, cars, dolls, tag and ok, maybe water guns! In the old days, that was emptying out the dish soap bottle and refilling it with water!

    1. I used to play only it looked like an ice cream cone with a foamy ball to toss/catch. I used to play hide & seek outside at night time with my cousins. We played hop scotch using banana peels because it sticks on the ground & doesn't bounce off the squares. We played something similar to kick the can. In the summertime we would make ice candies (Kool-aid Popsicles) and sell them. We assigned tasks like cashier, candy-maker. At the end of our sale we used the money to buy snacks...mostly junk food and ate together. The good old days before the iPads & xbox
