Monday 23 September 2013

Sound Travels: Songs Have Form

Line of Inquiry: Folk song games have specific form

The children continued their work with the folk song game "Daddy Loves the Bear"
and practiced pre-reading skills

After I drew the form for the song (two shorts and a long) we sang the song and followed the map with our fingers only this time we listened for the word 'bear'. When 'bear' was sung I stopped and a child glued a picture of a bear on the map where it was heard. They discovered that bear is sung 3 times. 
Making my own song form map

It was an interesting process to see their thinking; the word bear is sung at the end of both short lines and I  asked them to predict where the third bear would be in the song and they all guessed at the end of the long line. They were surprised to see it was found in the middle of the long line and the word 'everywhere' was at the end. The children attempted their own song map as we sang the song together.

The same process was done for "Hot Cross Buns"
"Hey! It's the same!" said Byron - two shorts and a long

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