Monday 19 November 2012

"There is colour everywhere!"

Line of Inquiry:
People use colour to decorate themselves and their homes

How have people used colour to decorate our school? The children looked around and noticed the coloured walls and excitedly shared what colour their walls were at home. Where else can we find colour? I wrote the children's ideas on stickie notes as they searched around the room for colour. We will repeat this tomorrow and then organize these ideas into categories.

After some time Simone concluded "There is colour everywhere!"Everyone took a vote; do you agree or disagree with Simone's statement? Everyone agreed.

Can you imagine a world with no colour? "Aaah that would be sad!" "Everything would be just white!" The children watched this video "A Life Without Colour"

Everyone agreed they are happy they live in a colourful world. They expressed this by taking a colourless paper hat and making it colourful.

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