Tuesday 5 June 2012

Function: How animals use plants

After a spontaneous walk this morning in the forest to pick salmon berries the children came back full of enthusiasm about the forest. We recalled the animals we saw on our walk: slugs, LOTS of them! and spiders and birds. We researched other animals live in Pacific Spirit Park and found pictures of them.

The children dramatized the different ways animals use plants; for food, shelter, protection and to raise their young. They especially enjoyed dramatizing being young animals! They used various shades of greens, browns and other forest colours to paint a forest scene. They were encouraged to include plants in the different layers of the forest and to remember all the reasons why animals need plants.
The children coloured their pictures of animals and chatted about where they're found and what they use plants for. Next group time they will practice using scissors to cut them out and add them to their forest scene.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Wendy...look at that concentration and collaboration and celebration of their learning. What a wonderful way to learn.
    Thank you

