Tuesday 22 May 2012

Life Cycle of a Dandelion

Line of Inquiry: How animals and people use plants

While reviewing the form of the dandelion the children recalled how we ate fried dandelion flowers and that they wanted to try the leaves in a salad. The children helped rip the leaves into bite size pieces and decided if they wanted their salad plain or with dressing. Everyone tried and gave their opinion - they were good but they had a strong flavour!
preparing dandelion salad
 Video illustrated the life cycle of a dandelion. The children used a puzzle to demonstrate their understanding.
dandelion life cycle
During the discussion I asked the children if they thought they could eat the dandelion seeds and they all thought "No!" I smiled and said they may find out with Debbie soon! The children created the dandelion in the seed stage of its life cycle in art.

dandelion seed ball art
People eat dandelions, do animals too? One of the leaves had a small hole and the children speculated that a caterpillar ate the leaf. Are there any other animals that eat dandelions?
"Maybe dinosaurs or dragons!" guessed Julia
We will research and find out!


  1. We haven't had the heart to tell her that the dinosaurs are extinct,dragons only exist in fantasy or that unicorns are vegetarian.

  2. And I'm glad about that Brian. The need to keep the imagination in full bloom is so important. Therein lies all sorts of possibilities and what better disposition is there to have when developing an inquiry. And shush, don't tell her that unicorns have silver blood.
