Tuesday 21 February 2012

Summative Week: creating an Invention

Summative week is an opportunity for the children to take all that they know and have learned about the central idea and present it in a project. The central idea is "There are similarities and differences between the way people lived long ago and the way people live today."

Over the past 6 weeks the children have explored the way things were done long ago (food preservation for winter) and how it's done today. They learned that many families still preserve food for winter, such as making jam or freezing blueberries. They learned that this practise isn't always necessary now because of the an innovation: green houses, which can provide us with fresh food in winter.

For summative week the children reflected on a problem that the teachers have noticed - at times people don't like to clean up. The children set to work developing an innovation that will do the work. Every child added an idea to be included in the machine. While building they were asked to reflect on these ideas: when should we use the cleaning machine? Will we become lazy if machines always do the work? Will the machine create more time for us to play? Does it feel good to do a good job in cleaning? What would happen to this feeling if the machine does the work for us?
Adyson's idea is to make the machine red

Attaching the arms for the grabbers

It needs 'on' and 'off' buttons!

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We called it "The Super Duper Machine"

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