Line of Inquiry: Decorations tell human stories and help us know one another
Similarities and differences in ideas about what a decoration is
The children have spent the past few weeks sharing decorations from the cultures and connecting with one another. We will be looking at quilt's as a way of sharing stories and connecting with one another.
The story Mr. Nick's Knitting is about two friends who share a hobby; knitting, which they do together everyday on the train on their way to the city. When Mrs. Jolley falls ill and must stay in the hospital for a very long time she is very sad at having nothing interesting to look at. Mr Nick knits her a quilt of all the images the saw as trey looked out the train window, a quilt that tells the story of their friendship together.
Can we make a quilt that tells the story of the children in the Wind Group? The children enthusiastically brainstormed ideas for decorations they could use on their square that would express who they are. Some discussion happened as they practised being open minded and accepting that what might be a decoration to one person may not be to another and that's okay.